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Why You Shouldn't Skip Your Biannual Dental Exam

Going to the dentist isn’t at the top of anyone’s fun list, but it’s necessary to keep your teeth and mouth in tip-top shape. And that’s important because your oral health has a far-reaching impact on your overall health. The same harmful bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease can take a ride through your bloodstream, traveling to other parts of the body and raising the risk for other problems including heart disease.

Skipping your twice-a-year dental appointment can put you at risk, even if you have great oral hygiene, brushing and flossing regularly and see no obvious signs of problems. Here at Nunn Family Dentistry, Dr. Clay Nunn understands the impact of dental care on your overall wellness.

Dentists are specially trained to spot the subtle signs of tooth and gum problems before they’re noticeable to you. This makes biannual dental checkups crucial. Here we discuss why attending your regular dental checkups plays a vital role in your oral and overall health.

Healthy smile

While it’s important to practice good oral hygiene at home by brushing after meals and flossing regularly, bacteria are crafty at getting into the nooks and crannies of your teeth and gums where they hide out and breed. They release harmful enamel-eroding acids that cause dental decay and gum disease over time.

When you visit Nunn Family Dentistry here in Tomball, Texas, our team performs a professional dental cleaning to remove harmful bacteria. Getting your teeth polished is another step in brightening your smile. Treatments that reduce the buildup of bacteria and strengthen teeth are also available.

Heading off major problems

Dr. Nunn can spot problems at their earliest stages when they’re easier to treat and can even detect potential issues before they start. Skipping one of your biannual checkups means you’re at risk of having a possible dental problem without knowing it. Then by the time you do visit us, the damage may have already been done.

The fact is, people who attend their 6-month dental checkups are much less likely to have major cavities and serious gum disease. Going to your dentist twice a year can prevent issues such as gingivitis and cavities. When tooth decay does occur, being scheduled for regular visits ensures prompt treatment.

Oral cancer prevention

Cavities and gum disease aren’t the only oral health concerns we check for at your visits. More than 30,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral cancer each year. Coming in to see us twice a year can save your life, because detecting oral cancer at its earliest stages greatly increases the chances of successfully treating the disease. During your routine checkups, Dr. Nunn looks for signs of oral cancer and acts promptly if he sees anything abnormal.

Overall wellness

The baddies that wreak havoc on your teeth and gums don’t just hang out in your mouth. Your gums have a rich blood supply that connects to the rest of your circulatory system. Harmful oral bacteria can circulate in your bloodstream and may raise the risk for a number of chronic diseases, including diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. Good oral health promotes overall wellness.

The outcome is always better when we can prevent dental problems rather than treat them after they develop. That’s why one goal of biannual dental checkups is to detect potential issues before they become a serious threat to your oral health and overall well-being.

Stay up to date on your 6-month dental checkups to keep your smile healthy. For gentle care for all of your dental needs, call us at Nunn Family Dentistry to schedule an appointment, or make your request online today.

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